
The DeAngelis Review

Exploring Reason, Technology, and Humanity

The End of Intervention?

This article discusses the challenges of international intervention after a cyclone in Myanmar. Steve acknowledges the limitations are due to a reluctant international community and a resurgence of national sovereignty. However, intervention with leverage is argued to be a necessary tool for a more humane world order.

The Growing Concern over Small Nukes

This article discusses the risk of a nuclear attack in the US. While unlikely, the consequences could be devastating. Steve suggests advanced warning systems and evacuation plans to minimize casualties.

Beyond Abu Ghraib

This article describes efforts by a US Marine General to improve conditions in Iraqi detention centers. The General believes education and rehabilitation are key to defeating extremism and creating a more secure Iraq.

Security Threats Continue to Become More Complex

A prominent cryptographer warns that a math error in widely used computer chips could compromise the security of online transactions. Public key cryptography protects sensitive information but could be broken if hackers exploit such an error. The article emphasizes the importance of chip design standards in maintaining trust in the global economy.

State and Local Crisis Response

This article discusses challenges in crisis preparedness in the US six years after 9/11. Issues include communication gaps, lack of cooperation between federal and local governments, and a recently rewritten national plan kept secret from state officials.

Putting on a Good Face

A new RAND study suggests that the US military should improve its image abroad as if it were a company building a brand. The study argues that military operations should be conducted with hearts and minds in mind and that the US should avoid being seen as solely a destructive force.